The Only To-Do List That Matters

I have a tendency to get overwhelmed. When there’s a bunch of things pressing on me or asking for my attention it is easy for me to get frazzled.

I learned pretty early on what works for me. Making lists.

I almost always have a to-do list. I feel better when the swirling fog of things to do is written neatly in a list. And I love scratching items off.

But at the end of the day, does it matter if I washed windows? Does it matter if I vacuumed, washed dishes, fixed the horse’s water tub, washed the car? In the grand scheme of things does any of that matter?

That’s a hard no.

Those things are great. But whether they get done or not, doesn’t make or break me as a person.

The items on my list do not make me the better version of myself.

That’s because it doesn’t matter what I do. It doesn’t matter what I have.

What matters is who I am.

It doesn’t matter what you do, or what you have. It’s who you are that matters.

So each and every day, here is your to-do list.

Actually, it is less of a to-do list, and more of a to-be list.

  • Be kind to yourself
  • Keep your chin up
  • Do something courageous - even if it’s small
  • Smile. A lot. Genuinely.
  • Be kind to someone else - even especially if they don’t “deserve” it
  • Stay focused
  • Dream
  • Be appreciative
  • Listen when others speak
  • Speak from your heart
  • Reflect on your life, others, yourself.
  • Forgive anyone who has done wrong by you - whether it was today or 20 years ago.
  • Love. Love. Love.
  • Carry on, even if it’s hard.

Because at the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter that you got stuff done or not. Actually, let’s be honest, most days don’t usually go the way you expected at all. You have to still be moving ahead. Not in what you do. But moving ahead in who you are.

Having troubles moving ahead? Discover how to get un-stuck through our coaching!

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The Stress Experts

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