When it comes to stress management, it is of utmost importance that we take control of that which we can take control.
Try as we may, we cannot control people, their behaviour nor choices. We cannot control the weather, the flat tire, the traffic jam, nor technology glitches.
There are some things over which we have some influence - our health, our sleep, our day-to-day job.
But there is something that we can control.
Have you ever tried to word something but you just can’t seem to formulate the words into sentences?
Well, that was my problem with writing this article.
And then I found a YouTube video that said what I was trying to say. Susan David shares her personal story of loss, life’s messiness and honest emotions.
I am reading a book called “Transform Your Beliefs, Transform Your Life”, by Karl Dawson with Kate Marillat. As the title of the book suggests, your beliefs are an extremely powerful driving force in your life - whatever you believe, is your reality. Here is an excerpt I hope you find as interesting as I did:
In allopathic medicine, the absolute power of belief systems is shown through placeboes, or ‘fake medicine’.
Do you feel that time is speeding up? That there is somehow less time in a day than there used to be?
Now, maybe there is some cosmic thing going on that the earth is spinning faster and the clocks are keeping up. Who knows.
But I have another theory.
“I’m such an idiot.”
“I’m too fat…no donut for me.”
“Nice one, loser.”
“I’m such a screw-up.”
“He wouldn’t like me, I’m ugly.”
“I’m not going to try…I’ll only fail anyway.”
“I’m not good enough.”
How often have you said these kinds of things to yourself? Probably countless times, maybe daily.
Now imagine saying this to a child…
I was 17 years old, a week or 2 after I graduated high school, before having Google maps on a phone was a thing, when I was involved in a car accident.
I was driving my family farm’s delivery van loaded with eggs to a store in a near city. It was my first time driving to this location and I wasn’t really sure how to get there. Before leaving the farm with my younger sister as a passenger, my older sister had shown me where I was to go on a map
Nervous but quite confident, I went on my way. Getting into the city, I missed my exit...
I have done a lot of reading as I work towards becoming certified in Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques or “Tapping”). It is a self-help tool that one can do by themselves or be guided in to help release emotional baggage.
One thing that is made abundantly clear is that childhood matters! What happened to you when you were young has massive impact on your adulthood, even if your childhood was several decades ago!
I am not advocating (and neither are the books I am reading) that we blame our childhoods for our behaviours: “I had a rough childhood. That’s why I am a workaholic/jerk/unsuccessful business owner/etc. I can’t help it! I can’t change the past.” Rather, I am proposing...
Moment of truth: other people’s opinions bother me. I try not to let that happen, but it still does. I am working on it and I am making progress.
There’s a term, a made-up word, that I heard somewhere - I can’t remember where. (For those of you who are sensitive to curses, my apologies.)
Several years ago, I remember thinking that it was time for me to lose a little weight. I wasn’t massively overweight, I just noticed that my clothes seemed to be fitting tighter than they were and I didn’t like that. So, I started exercising and paying a little more attention to what I was eating.
I don’t know about you, but trying to lose weight requires some work and therefore requires some drive. Now, I don’t know where I learned this (parents, teachers, tv, siblings, etc) but I thought shame was the best driver to get this job done.
I proceeded to drive myself with shame.
My inner dialogue went something like...
For many people, a new year means new year’s resolutions. But if you’re anything like me, that resolution lasts about one month…maybe, if I’m lucky.
Why is that? Is it because I lack willpower? Maybe.
But a very likely reason for not reaching my goal is that I haven’t connected to my core motivation - the deeper reasons for making the resolution or goal - in the first place.
The holidays are just around the corner and, for some (or maybe most) people, that means holiday stress.
But what is that, really?
Well, technically, “the holidays” themselves don’t cause you stress. The stress you experience at this time of year is internal physiological disharmony as a result of your negative emotional response to your perception of the holidays, and all they entail. It is not the holidays causing your stress; your perceptions and emotions are.
Why does this distinction matter?
I stumbled across an article posted in 2014 by the Heartmath Institute. Although the article is 10 years old, the information remains crucial in our pursuit of living lives of less stress and more happiness. I strongly believe more people need to hear this information, so I am sharing it here. (Warning: It is a bit longer than the content I normally share with you.)
In the 1950’s a noted researcher named Hans Selye popularized the term stress for the first time. Selye said: “Everyone knows what stress is, but in reality nobody knows.”...
You have probably heard of the acronym “FOMO”? It is the “Fear of Missing Out”. The fear that others are doing something fun without you, that others have it better than you do, and/or that you are missing out on opportunities.
In essence, it is the worry and feelings of anxiety that come from the belief that you are lacking.
Because you are worried that your life is lacking, you live your life with discontentment, searching, seeking, trying to find something to fill that hole.
Personally, during this season...
“I feel like I’m going backwards.”
“I’m scared of going backwards.”
I hear this from my clients sometimes. Maybe you’ve even thought it or said it.
The “going backwards” that I am referring to is the feeling of “not feeling good” again after “feeling good” for some time...
Relationships have the potential to be a source of great stress. They also have the potential to be the source of great support and sense of belonging - a great stress relief!
Dr. Gary Chapman, the author of “The 5 Love Languages”, recently sent out an email about relationships that I am sharing with you, here:
Have you ever watched a movie and had difficulty figuring out the plot? If so, I’m assuming you either turned it off or turned your attention elsewhere (i.e., phone, refrigerator, sleep). When you don’t understand how things are connected, you begin to lose interest...