Does it Feel Like You're Going Backwards?

When we start feeling better, it is common to be scared of going backwards, going back to where we were, going back to how we were feeling. 

Rest assured, you can’t go backwards. Not possible. You can’t un-experience something. For example, I know someone that was anxious all the time. Then he learned about himself, his tendencies and emotional habits and he learned tools to help shift him out of those patterns. He was feeling much better. Then something changed in his life and he started feeling anxious again or what some fear as “started slipping backwards”. But this time he had tools, he had experience, he had knowledge. He can never be exactly where he was before.

Imagine a spiral. One side of the spiral is feeling great and the other not great. Starting at the bottom at birth, you are constantly journeying up the spiral, growing up and gathering more knowledge, understanding and experience. As you journey up, you pass through both sides of the spiral, at times feeling good and other times feeling not good but you are never at the exact same place you were before. You never go back; you are always going up.

Here’s to conquering Stress,
The Stress Experts

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