Don't Be Nice

I can’t say I’ve ever been described as a nice person. For those of you who know me, that makes a lot of sense. This used to bother me a little bit because I always thought it was nice to be nice. But I recently stumbled upon an...

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Not Good Enough

I went to a get together a while ago. It was low key, casual and fun. It wrapped up late and when it was time for my head to hit the pillow I expected to fall asleep, stat. But that didn’t happen. Instead my mind went for a run on its...

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How to be an Inspiration to Others

I was paid the highest compliment. 

You know that warm buzz that comes after someone give you a compliment? That is what I felt. But for just a moment. And then the weight of the responsibility tied into the compliment rested on me.


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The #1 Way to Make the Most of Each Day

Recently one of my best friends and mentors told me that she is going through a rough phase. Every night when she goes to bed she feels like her day was a waste. Every night she looks back on her day and feels like she wasn’t productive, she...

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The Real Meaning of Confidence

I believe Mother Nature placed in our bones the fear of new things. It was put there to help us survive when things were much more difficult than they are now. 

But now, when we don’t have to worry about sabre tooth tigers chewing on...

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How to Stop Beating Yourself Up

“Don’t beat yourself up.” This is pretty common advice to stop the guilt concerning something that you either did or failed to do. Beating yourself up for a long period of time is unproductive and exhausting, so it is best to do...

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Things to Consider

Have you ever wondered any of these following points? I highly encourage you to take some time to reflect on each question.

  • Why do you let in the criticism, but not the compliments? 
  • Why does your spouse’s tardiness mean he/she...
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When Being Yourself Isn't Good Enough

“Be yourself.” This is some pretty common advice. I’ve given it and I’ve gotten it. It is great advice when it comes to making an impression, whether that is in speaking with others, meeting a new person, or getting to know...

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Appreciation Versus Gratitude

The terms gratitude and appreciation are often used interchangeably, but have you ever paused to consider the difference?

Gratitude is expressing or showing your thanks for something or someone. It’s like, “Honey, thanks for painting...

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How to Create your Future Today

There is no shortage of evidence that we are in the future. Computers in our pockets, cars that drive themselves, voice-activated devices were all once just futuristic ideas, but now they are our reality. Yesterday, we could only dream of today.


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