Are You Owned?

I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was owned by the drinking water.

Let me explain.

When I lived on the farm with my parents, the well water that we drank was very distinct. The water was good and it had a certain taste...

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Voices in My Head

(I understand that this can be a deep topic and confusing to some people. I encourage you to read this with an attitude of curiosity and playfulness.)

Did you know that you talk to yourself?

No, you’re not crazy. No, you’re not...

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Simple, Powerful Breathing Technique

I recently had an experience with my EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner, in which I was relaying to her one of my painful past memories. As I was explaining it, my breathing became rapid and shallow, my vision narrowed, my mind was...

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Compassion Meditation

It doesn’t matter if you use the word God, Universe, Creator, Higher Power, Love, or All-That-Is, there is no denying that we are all connected by something. Science and research is showing the truth of this: we are all one.


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Why So Negative?

I am working towards my certification in Clinical EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique (you’ll be hearing more about EFT in the future) and I am required to read several books. One of them is Coaching Psychology By Dawson Church and Stephanie...

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Well-Meaning Positivity

Have you ever told someone about a negative experience you recently went through? 

And have you ever felt worse after hearing the “positive-spin” response from that well-meaning person?

Sometimes, we tell ourselves these similar...

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Wisdom from Ice Cream

It is unbelievable how this spring has felt like summer! It’s hot during the day, and the nights don’t cool off a whole lot - unlike some springs when we get frost that kills the apple blossoms.

Do you know what hot weather means? Ice...

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Judging Value

I recently received this in an email from one of my blog readers. It was good food for thought and I want to share it with you:

“Most of us strive to be at our best, but sometimes we falter in that attempt. Unfortunately we tend to be...

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Receiving: The Gift

For many people, myself included, giving is much easier than receiving - whether it is compliments, gifts, help, advice, or anything like that. Why?

I feel better when I am giving rather than receiving. Receiving makes me feel uncomfortable....

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Are You Guilty of Overcare?

I’m going to be straight up honest with you, these weekly blogs that I send out to my subscribers are not always a pleasure to write. I have difficulty coming up with topics to write about. (So, if anyone of you have a suggestion, please...

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