10 Pitfalls of Social Media

There is nothing inherently “bad” or “good” about social media. It just is. But because of the way we use it and because of the way we let it affect our thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and behaviour, it has some deleterious...

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Preventing Burnout

You have an inner battery.

No, there has been no new anatomical discovery of a lithium ion battery inside of you (that would be quite the feat of evolution!). But you do have a “reserve" of energy. 

This inner battery, this reserve of...

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How to Find Time

“I don’t have time.”

Do you ever say this?

Maybe you say any number of variations of that statement: “I don’t have time to do my favourite hobby.” Or, “I don’t have time to eat healthy.” Or,...

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What's Your Type?

You are unique. 

Out of the billions of people that have walked this planet, there has only ever been one YOU!

But because of your uniqueness and differences, it can be difficult to make sense of yourself and of others. 

The Enneagram is...

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Seeing It Differently

I try to go for a walk every day. I take the same path every time. I know there are so many other routes I could take but I like this route because I know it takes 33 minutes from when I leave my door to getting back to my door. A good half hour...

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Good? Bad? Who Knows?

I would never have considered myself a judge-y kind of person.

But, I see now just how judge-y I’ve been. I have judged so much in my life.

Graduated from school. Good.

Fired from my job. Bad.

Still single. Bad.

Bought a house. Good.

Got to...

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There Is No Shame

There is no shame in having a coach.

Olympic athletes have coaches. The coach provides encouragement and guidance, and shares strategies on how the athlete can improve their performance. The coach has an outside perspective and can therefore draw...

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A Game of Skip Rope

With spring in the air, there’s something about the patches of concrete drying in the south sun that puts me back in elementary school. At recess time, we would play in front of the old school on the patches of dry concrete. As soon as the...

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Compromise Leads to Unhappiness

Two sisters approached their mother. The older girl carried an orange. Both girls looked unhappy.

“What’s wrong?” asked their mother.

“I want the orange!” replied the younger girl.

“But I want the orange!”...

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The Only To-Do List That Matters

I have a tendency to get overwhelmed. When there’s a bunch of things pressing on me or asking for my attention it is easy for me to get frazzled.

I learned pretty early on what works for me. Making lists.

I almost always have a to-do...

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