I love resolutions. Do I always accomplish them? Nope. But I like making them anyway and love when I do accomplish them!
A resolution is defined as a firm decision to do or not do something. Really, it’s making a promise to yourself. But what makes so many resolutions fail? Why can’t you seem to keep those promises to yourself?
I believe there are 5 reasons:
Now get comfy and pick up a pen and paper. Seriously. Do it. If you can’t pull up a chair, how will you pull up your socks? If you can’t pick up a pen, how can you pick up the pieces? If you can’t find some paper, how will you find your way?
Answer the following questions. Write down your responses. There are no wrong answers.
- How can I be a better version of myself this year?
- What do I really want this year?
- What one new habit will help me get there?
- What are 3 skills that I need to develop to move along the way?
- What one thing do I have to stop doing to make it happen?
- Who else will benefit from this?
The rest is up to you. Is this year going to be just another year? Or is this going to be your best year? Let’s make it happen!
Here’s to Conquering Stress,
The Stress Experts
P.S. This year, promise yourself to be a better version of yourself. Don’t make this year just like all the years before. Make it better. Make yourself better. If you need a hand, or a shoulder, or a kick in the rear, check out our Stress Expert Coaching Program. You’ll love it.
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