Will This Make Me Happy?

I realized something the other day that I want to share with you because I don’t think I’m alone here. I realized that everyday, I wake up with the attitude of, “Will this day make me happy?”

Of course I wouldn’t say the question aloud, I wouldn’t even think it in these words, but it was the general attitude of, “Will things go right today, so that I can be happy? Will everything work out today, so that I can be happy? Will the people in my life be just such a way, so that I can be happy? Will those pieces fall into place, so that I can be happy?”

I was hinging my happiness on how my day would turn out. At the end of the day, my happiness was determined by the circumstances and people in my life. In other words, I would wait and see how things played out before deciding if I was happy or not.

Maybe you can relate. Have you ever let your happiness be decided for you by the circumstances and people in your life? Have you ever let a cup of coffee or its absence dictate whether you were happy or not? Have you ever let the outcome of a phone call dictate if you were going to be happy or not? Have you ever let your co-worker’s actions dictate whether you were happy or not?

Why do we hinge something as important as our happiness on something as fickle as a cup of coffee? Why do we hinge our happiness on something even as momentous as a new job or clean bill of health? Big or small, the day’s circumstances and people should not be responsible for our happiness.

What if instead of saying, “When I get that coffee, I’ll be happy,” we say, “Whether I get that coffee or not, I’ll be happy”?

What if instead of “When I get that promotion, I’ll be happy,” perhaps, “Whether I get that promotion or not, I’ll be happy”?

What if we said “No matter what my doctor says, I’ll be happy,” instead of, “If my doctor says I’m clear, then I’ll be happy”?

What if we said “No matter how this turns out, I’ll be happy”?

What if we made happiness a choice, rather than a reaction? What if we held on to happiness like a life raft in a storm, rather than letting the waves to take us back and forth? What if we woke up each morning with the attitude, “I’m going to be happy, no matter what”?

How can you make happiness your choice?

P.S. Want to learn how? Talk to us about our Stress Coaching.

Try these 10 Happiness Hacks, for FREE!

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The Stress Experts

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