I recently purchased an app called Commune - a course platform for personal and societal well-being. On this app, I learned something from Jeff Krasno that I am sharing with you, here. It is a form of stoic mediation that helps to change your perception and increase your gratitude, thereby decreasing your stress.
I hope you put it into practice and reap great benefits. Enjoy!
There always seems to be a gap between one's current state and a future, imagined happiness. One way to eliminate that gap is by continually chasing things you want. But this solution provides ephemeral results. Why? There is always another conquest as the chasm of desire gapes back open.
The other method of eliminating the gap is the focus of today's meditation: you concentrate on wanting what you already have. As you contemplate the preciousness of what you have, you will notice how your appreciation for it swells and gratitude wells up from inside of you.
Find something in your life that you cherish. This can be a physical object, a relationship, or something you do. Once you've chosen it, ask yourself these questions.
- How does it make you feel?
- What memories does it evoke?
- Does it conjure certain smells or tastes?
- Does it give you ease?
Take a moment to write a description of this object, activity, or person.
Now, imagine losing that item. Feel the grief associated with it not being there. Imagine how you would have treated it differently if you knew it would someday vanish from your life.
Spend a few minutes in this feeling and then bring yourself to the present.
Ask yourself these questions:
- How will you cherish this item now?
- How will you nurture it?
- Notice the gratitude you feel. Notice how happy you are when you want something you already have.
Here’s to conquering stress.
With heart,
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