About a month ago, my youngest sister had her first baby, a girl. I am so happy for her and her husband.
But about one week after she was born, I started to notice that something inside me was off. I was still happy but there was a mix of something else. Something not-so-happy and unpleasant to experience. For a couple of days, I just ignored it, thinking it would pass. But it got worse. (I really should have known better - this is the stuff I teach others!) Something seemed to be strangling the happiness, like viny weeds in a flower garden.
Eventually, I decided it was time to do something. I sat down, got quiet and started tapping. (If you don’t know what I mean, look up EFT/Emotional Freedom Techniques/Tapping. I use this simple, powerful and seemingly strange method with my clients and we love the results!)
I discovered that the unpleasant feeling I was experiencing that was choking the happiness was grief.
I am 36 years old and single. I love my life, but my path in life will most likely not include having a baby.
I see life as a pick-a-path, with each path having pros and cons. There really is no “right” path or “wrong” path, just the path you are on. You have the opportunity to choose a direction at every fork in the road. For example, as in my sister’s case, if you are married, you can choose to not have children and continue down that path for a few years, then when you choose to have children, you branch off on a different path that has pros and cons compared to the one you left.
I do believe that sometimes the general direction of your life path is “chosen for you”, such as in the case of an injury or accident, but there are still branches from that path, too.
I could have chosen a different path in my life, one that included a baby, but like I said, every path has its pros and cons, you get something and you miss something. The person on the path that includes children may desire the freedom I have on my path, while I may desire the children they have on theirs.
When I calmed myself with tapping and I allowed myself to feel the grief of this “missing piece” while holding myself in compassion - instead of ignoring it and pushing it down or away and judging the feelings or myself - I was able to process the grief and let it go.
And the feelings of happiness for both my sister’s beautiful little family and me and my life could blossom.
Are you experiencing some grief on your life path?
What is it you are grieving?
Is it time to let your happiness blossom?
I’d be honoured to help you. Start with a “taster” session of tapping for a discounted price! Learn more, here.
Here’s to conquering stress.
With heart,
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