3 Keys to Emotional Well-Being

Did you know that emotions are not just something you feel? They are something you experience! Your entire being experiences your emotional response to situations/people/life. In other words, when you respond to life, you are choosing how your body systems (such as the nervous system and hormonal system) and energy systems (such as your electromagnetic field and the meridian system) function.

Your emotions have a major influence on you! Maybe more than you know.

Here’s what some research shows:

Yale University researchers found that, “People who react to situations with strong emotions, particularly anger, are especially likely to die of cardiac arrest.”

The American Institute of Stress reported, “Studies tie overproduction of stress-related hormones to unbalanced immune systems and to many health problems.” 

The Journal of Neuroscience published the results of a study that showed direct evidence that prolonged exposure to stress can accelerate the aging of brain cells in the same region of the brain affected by Alzheimer’s disease, leading to impairment of learning and memory.

Research conducted over a twenty-year period by London University’s Institute of Psychiatry found that people who bottled up their emotions under stress were likely to be more prone to cancer. Cigarette smoking or eating foods high in cholesterol by themselves had less effect in causing disease than did negative reactions to stress.

Your emotional well-being directly affects your level of health and satisfaction in life. 

I cannot over-emphasis the importance of taking care of your emotional well-being.

Here are 3 keys to emotional well-being and some tips to help: Download the pdf now

Here's to conquering stress.

With heart,


The Stress Experts

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